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I was wondering peoples opinions on the best distro for netbooks.

asked 14 Apr '10, 01:16

george's gravatar image

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Greetings from Guelph! It really depends on what type of experience you are looking for on your netbook. If you like a desktop feel OpenSuse 11.2 KDE or Gnome runs beautifully on the Asus EEE, for example. So does full Ubuntu. If you want a "netbook remix" interface, I recommend Jolicloud, which now includes a desktop-switcher to enable you to have both a full desktop and a netbook remix interface. Also, hardware support is excellent in Jolicloud. Cheers!


answered 17 Apr '10, 01:38

Freshmeadow's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Google OS (gOS) has been praised for being the most beautiful and easiest to use Linux operating system for Netbook on the market.

System Requirements

Bare Minimum 300 MHz x86 processor 64 MB RAM At least 4 GB of disk space (for full installation and swap space) VGA graphics card capable of 640x480 resolution CD-ROM drive or network card

Recommended 700 MHz x86 processor 384 MB RAM 8 GB of disk space Graphics card capable of 1024x768 resolution Sound card.


answered 16 Apr '10, 11:53

mustu's gravatar image

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edited 16 Apr '10, 12:10

Nice that you did a copy-paste of the quoted minimum requirements, and all the hype... but do you actually use this? It's hard to get a download link of anything that is working and not in beta or outdated.

(17 Apr '10, 12:31) Timmi

the g in gOS doesn't stand for Google, but GOOD. The reason people think that gOS has anything to do with Google is because the developer of gOS loaded it with Google apps and more or less marketed it deceptively as a Google product.

(04 May '10, 15:08) Yaro Kasear

PuppyLinux 4.x runs well on my ASUS 901. It loads entirely into RAM, so it's fast and prolongs the life of SSD's, as it generally only writes on shutdown. HTH.


answered 15 Apr '10, 21:53

BaldGuyKen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

it loads into ram?! that sounds perfect

(15 Apr '10, 23:35) george

There is also the Kubuntu Nebook remix if you're into KDE.


answered 14 Apr '10, 15:51

Emmanuel's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

oh well and xubuntu if you're into XFCE. still the same ubuntu.

(14 Apr '10, 16:19) Web31337

he said for netbooks! (ps: the xubuntu project is dormant (if not dead)).

(17 Apr '10, 12:33) Timmi

According to my Experience The best OS currenly out theire is Ubuntu Netbok Remix with Following justifications

  1. As Netbook is a gaining market , you don't get all the options/Softwares for every platform (But if its in Linux, it will be there for Ubuntu :D)
  2. UNR is not only a selection of software's and Customized GUI's. It has been specifically optimized to Atom processors by collaboration with the Intel developers (Which Others don't have)
  3. GUI is always great as always
  4. The softwares get updated everyday
  5. Its one of the most looked after Netbook OS from a Large community/Backend
  6. Still not very popular hardware can be worked out as ubuntu is a most helped out distro from the community

NOTE: If you are on for a Totally different challenge, go for Moblin , Its more Great than UNR as its only been developed for atom processors , and the Backend is mighty Fedora.(My Fav) :)


answered 14 Apr '10, 03:33

Derulz's gravatar image

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jolicloud seems to me like the best OS for a netbook is based on ubuntu so you get all the software that you could get with ubuntu.


answered 14 Apr '10, 02:30

jramirez's gravatar image

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... maybe even one with builtin BTRFS and COMPRESSION support? (You know, for netbooks with small flash disks, and because it would be speedier.)


answered 14 Apr '10, 02:00

mario's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Gentoo Linux


answered 14 Apr '10, 01:32

Web31337's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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Asked: 14 Apr '10, 01:16

Seen: 49,582 times

Last updated: 08 May '10, 22:07

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