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My co-workers and I are trying to develop a USB device, which uses an FTDI chip as a USB-serial controller. The thing is, we would ideally like to set a cusom idVendor and idProduct on the FTDI chip.

The problem occurs that when we set custom idVendor and idProduct values, udev(7) loads the "usb" driver. If we leave the idVendor and idProduct values to their originals, udev(7) loads the "ftdi_sio" driver. The whole reason for the custom idVendor and idProduct values is so that I can (hopefully) write a udev(7) rule to map that particular device to a specific entry in /dev.

Is there a way to write a udev(7) rule so that you can forcefully load a particular driver for a device? Is there something else that could be done to get a similar result?

EDIT: I have been searching on Google for this, for upwards of 5 hours now, so yes, I have searched if anyone cares to know. ;)

asked 05 Oct '10, 22:32

indienick's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

edited 08 Oct '10, 21:51

I found a solution for this. Since I am not too keen on having to copy and re-work the ftdi_sio driver, I had to change the idVendor and idProduct values back to the FTDI defaults and catch the device with a udev rule that assigns it a specific symlink in /dev.


answered 08 Oct '10, 21:53

indienick's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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Asked: 05 Oct '10, 22:32

Seen: 1,539 times

Last updated: 08 Oct '10, 21:53

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