# Michael O'Donnell linuxexchange20110907
# In general, the name of a file is an arbitrary string
# of characters. The notion of an "extension" is just a
# convention - tacking a .com or .exe or .jpg or even .kittycat
# onto a filename does nothing to the contents of that file.
# If a file was created as (say) a PNG graphics file (and then,
# as is customary, stored with a name that ends in .png) you
# can't magically convert the contents of that file to the
# JPEG format by tacking .jpg onto the end of its filename -
# the actual contents of the file have to be converted.
# Once converted, we'd presumably store that new file with
# a name that indicates its new format but, again, that's just
# convention.
# This is a shell script that will use some low-level tools
# available on most Linux distributions:
# - We first compute a known-unique temp file in the /tmp
# directory, then...
# - we announce our intention to sleep 5 seconds
# before proceeding so that the user has a chance to
# reposition/uncover/deiconify windows, then we invoke...
# - xwd (the X Window Dumper) which captures the window you
# click on (or the root window if invoked with -root)
# and spews it to stdout in xwd-format, which we then
# convert with...
# - xwdtopnm (the xwd-format to PNM converter), which converts
# its stdin and writes the resultant PNM bits to it stdout,
# which we then feed to...
# - pnmtojpeg (the PNM to JPEG converter) after arranging for
# it to write its output to the temp file, which we announce.
function FAILED() {
echo FAILED: $*
rm -f "$tempFile"
exit 1
tempFile=`mktemp /tmp/screenCapture.XXXXXXXX.jpg` || \
FAILED mktemp /tmp/screenCapture.XXXXXXXX.jpg
echo "$0: sleeping 5 seconds before capture..." ; sleep 5
xwd $* | xwdtopnm | pnmtojpeg >"$tempFile" || \
FAILED "xwd $* | xwdtopnm | pnmtojpeg >$tempFile"
echo "$0: result is $tempFile"
07 Sep '11, 15:21
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