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I have a vaio mod.# pcxrx650 that uses a cpu os based driver to control cpu there any chance of finding such a driver? I have a ubuntu and open suse disc

asked 03 May '10, 09:06

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mike galvin
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(20 Apr '11, 13:42) rfelsburg ♦

it might already be installed, too. The linux kernels in such large OSes usually come with all the drivers included to provide convenience. It's a much larger amount of support than windows' plug and play drivers.


answered 04 May '10, 03:14

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William Shipely
accept rate: 16%

As far as Ubuntu goes, one easy thing to do is to open Synaptic(say) and search for "vaio" or "Sony"(on Name & Description), or type "apt-cache search"(& your search term) in a terminal window. This should tell you what packages are available (on my Debian Squeeze there's a package "sensors-applet" which would probably show fan state,temperature etc. & "spicctrl" which is a controller the Vaio's Sony Programmable I/O Controldevice (SPIC) , but only controls the backlight on my version - YMMV)

To answer your actual question - Yes, there's a chance you'll find such a driver (or a driver project to get involved with which could add that functionality)


answered 03 May '10, 13:23

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Asked: 03 May '10, 09:06

Seen: 2,238 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 13:42

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